Our IoT controller is integrated with a smart ultra sonic level sensor that has IoT capability.This sensor transmits data to a cloud server for visualization and processing to provide the following solutions

  1. Water level Monitoring
  2. Diesel,Bulk Storage Monitoring
  3. Other similar applications

Water Level Monitoring

Our  IoT controller continuously monitors real-time water levels of water tanks using ToF sensors.With easy integration into your existing systems and without being in physical contact with the water  you can effortlessly monitor and manage water levels, ensuring optimal operation and preventing costly overflows or shortages.

We also provide you with an interactive dashboard platform that you can use on your phone/laptop.

The volume-time graph helps you analyze usage patterns by tracking water volume changes over time.

Our solution is also capable of assessing the quality of water by continuously measuring Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) to evaluate the concentration of dissolved substances in water ensuring it meets quality standards for consumption and industrial use.

We also monitor the pH levels of the water in real-time to maintain the desired chemical balance, detect any deviations from acceptable ranges which help our clients take immediate corrective actions.

Diesel Bulk Storage Monitoring

In industries where diesel fuel is critical to operations such as backup power, effective management of bulk diesel storage is paramount as it is the biggest recurring cost.

To manage this resource effectively requires Timely and accurate records of delivery and decanting which mitigates siphoning and wastage. Additionally, logistics and supply management becomes easy.

Our solution offers real-time data on bulk fuel levels for external tanks, enabling timely refueling and significantly reducing the risk of fuel outages. Moreover you can receive instant alerts via SMS or Email to stay informed and manage your fuel supply effectively.

Coupled with Blink Electrics GenSet and Power utilities monitoring solution, fuel management is made better by:

  • Comparing fuel decanting of the main tank vs fuel level in the GenSet base tank
  • Comparison of fuel consumption against actual power generated for even better transparency

Our team of skilled engineers is dedicated to providing a seamless and efficient installation of your system.